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"My aim in writing [this book] is to offer a richer vision of human ability and creativity and of the benefits to us all of connecting properly with our indivisual talents and passions. This book is about issues that are of fundamental importancein our lives and in the lives of our children, our students, and the people we work with. I use the term the Element to describe the place where the things we love to do and the things we are good at come together. I believe it is essential that each of us find his or her Element, not simply because it will make us more fulfilled but because, as the world evolves, the very future of our communities and institutions will depend on it.
The world is changing faster than ever in our history. Our best hope for the future is to develop a new paradigm of human capacity to meet a new era of human existance. We need to evolve a new appreciation of the importance of nurturing human talent along with an understanding of how talent expresses itself differently in every individual. We need to create environments- in our schools, in our workplace, and in our public offices- every person is inspired to grow creatively" (above taken from the INTRODUCTION chapter; pg. xiii)
The Element has two main features, and there are two conditions for being in it. The features are aptitude and passion. The conditions are attitude and opportunity. The sequence goes something like this: I get it; I love it; I want it; Where is it? (Robinson, pg.22) These ephiphanies utterly [change] lives, giving them direction and purpose and sweeping them up in a way that nothing else had; they tend to involve some level of revelation, a way of dividing the world into before and after (Robinson, pg. 8)